
Welcome Friends!

Hey there! I’m Payton – a globe-trotter, Disney enthusiast, cruise-aholic, and avid hiker.

I originally hail from Indiana but now call Nashville, Tennessee, my home. During college, I chased adventure during my summers, from Hawaii to Alaska, California to Florida. My goal is to keep exploring the world, fueled by my passions for photography, graphic design, yoga, hiking, and my two feline pals.

My Favorite Quote!

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi


I spent some time working at the incredible Walt Disney World. It was like having a daily dose of magical pixie dust!


During my college summers, I split my time between the tropical paradise of Hawaii and the rugged wilderness of Alaska. It was like the ultimate blend of surf and snow, and I couldn’t have asked for a more adventurous way to spend those sunny months!


Being a cruise-aholic, I’ve set sail over 10 times, and each voyage feels like a new chapter of adventure on the high seas!


how I got Here

Why I Love What I Do

Let me tell you why I’m head over heels in love with travel blogging. It’s not just a job; it’s a passion that fills my heart. You see, I believe that travel is about so much more than ticking off places on a map. It’s about the connections we make, the diversity we celebrate, and the stories we create. Every time I write a blog post, I get to capture the very soul of a place and offer readers a virtual ticket to explore the world. The best part? It’s the spark of wanderlust I get to ignite in others, pushing them to embark on their own adventures. It’s a joy to convey the beauty and complexity of our planet through words and images and share my deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and experiences out there.

But there’s more to it than just seeing new places; it’s about how travel ties us all together. It’s a force that fosters empathy, understanding, and personal growth. My love for travel blogging is ultimately a celebration of the human experience. It’s about relishing the stories of laughter, the lessons learned, and those moments of sheer awe that come with venturing into the unknown. Whether I’m recounting a daring mountain hike, sharing the tales of remarkable locals, or describing the flavors of exotic cuisine, my real drive is to inspire others to embark on their own journeys with wide-open hearts and inquisitive minds. For me, there’s nothing as gratifying as weaving these narratives and creating a sense of shared discovery with my readers. It’s my way of saying, ‘Come join the adventure!’

Favorite TV Show


Favorite Drink

Iced Vanilla Latte

Favorite Food


Favorite Animal


Favorite Movie

50 First Dates

Favorite Hobby


You, My Friend

have come to the right place

Hey there, and welcome to my travel blog, where we’re diving headfirst into a world of inspiration, adventure, and some seriously cool cultural discoveries. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler looking for your next big thing or just dipping your toes into the travel waters, I’ve got some stories that’ll take you deeper into the places I’ve roamed.

Forget the usual tourist stuff – my blogs are like treasure maps to the heart and soul of each location. We’re talking unique experiences and all those juicy cultural tidbits that’ll make your adventure unforgettable. So, grab a comfy seat, and let’s set sail on this virtual journey together. It’s not just about where you’re headed; it’s about how you soak it all in, and I’m here to be your trusty guide on this incredible ride.